Make sure to check out this panel Amazing Women in Film moderated by Thelma Adams. Panelists include: Maggie Renzi, Rita Taggart and Barbara Kopple.
Here are the details:Women in the film industry continue to carve a strong and meaningful path in a world that used to be traditionally dominated by men. With more women sitting in the Director's Chair and holding top positions as executives, producers and administrators, has the balance finally shifted to a point of equality? Join us as a diverse group of powerful women discuss their work and the state of the film industry, from the woman's perspective.
I for one do not think the balance of power has shifted but am interested in hearing what these women have to say. Anyone want to blog about it?
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October 2, 2008
Going to the Woodstock Film Festival This Weekend?
Posted by
Melissa Silverstein
7:54 AM