November 17, 2008

Helen Mirren Has Lost Her Mind- Again

Helen Mirren has recently been a role model for aging beautifully onscreen with integrity (I'll give her the lapse of judgment for making National Secret 2). But she is in danger of losing all credibility because of a second narrow minded and dangerous comment she made regarding women and rape. Doesn't she realize that smart women (who are concerned about these issues) are her number 1 fans? I for one am pretty pissed at Ms. Mirren for being such a dunderhead.
Dame Helen Mirren was accused by the Solicitor General of making ignorant, absurd and dangerous comments yesterday after speaking out again about rape prosecutions.

In an interview, the 63-year-old Oscar-winning actress said that in such cases female jurors are deliberately selected by defence barristers because 'women go against women'.

She suggested that women jurors are less likely to convict a rapist since they tend to think the victim was 'asking for it'.

Comment by Solicitor General Vera Baird in response to Mirren

It's such a shame that a person who has a high profile feels qualified and able to put forward this nonsense. It's capable of being quite dangerous because someone in that position saying that sort of thing, suggesting that she knows more than she actually does.
She also perpetuates the theme that women are out to get other women in response to the fact that she has consistently requested male interviewers in the past in the initial offending interview with the Sunday Times.

“No, it’s more that I prefer male journalists because there’s a streak of female journalism — the bitches — who are mean-spirited and nasty because you are another woman and want to make you feel crap. It’s very upsetting. I’m more careful when I’m being interviewed by a woman because, from experience as well as reading articles about other women, I know there is a little stiletto knife hidden behind the back.”

This whole thing makes me so sad.
Helen Mirren: Sexually jealous women jurors think rape victims are asking for it (Daily Mail)
Helen Mirren: perennial pin-up (Sunday Times)

photo: Anthony G. Moore/PR Photos