Katherine Heigl created a bit of a storm the other day by pulling her name out of Emmy contention for her role on Grey's Anatomy (she won the Emmy last year). She basically publicly said that she felt her part on the show this year was crap. Immediately, Heigl was skewered as she was last year for saying that
Knocked Up was "a little sexist." Why is it when a woman speaks out she is tared and feathered. Check out this great piece examining whether the treatment Heigl is receiving is sexist from Rope of Silicon
Is Sexism the Overlooked -Ism?This comment from David Poland of Movie City News (who now joins Jeff Wells in the Hollywood blogger Hall of Shame) is just vile.
And then, in a few years, the almost-40 topless work, hoping to remind Hollywood that they really wanted to bang this blonde just a few years before. And who knows, maybe she will become a real actress as she hits movie-parental age and can play the lonely wife opposite a 60something Jim Carrey.
Shame on you.